Registrations now open! Save up to $900 at the Wind Operator Congress North America!

16329-WOC-Web-250x250I am delighted to announce that registrations are now open for the Wind Operator Congress North America, taking place 21-23 September in Chicago.


The Wind Operator Congress North America will unite the leading owner operators, OEMs and service providers in the pursuit of the strategies, models, tools and practices to deliver operational excellence across North America’s ever growing wind power operations.  Continue reading

Maximize your presence at the Wind Operator Congress North America

Wind-Operator-Congress-North-AmericaAfter a successful event in 2014, the Wind Operator Congress North America returns to Chicago this September.

The Wind Operator Congress North America will unite the leading owner operators, OEMs and service providers in the pursuit of the strategies, models, tools and practices to deliver operational excellence across North America’s ever growing wind power operations.  Continue reading